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Introduction to Infographics with Piktochart

Follow along and interact with the slides below if you want:

Watch the session on YouTube.

Key points from slides:

  • Data Visualization: Display complex information in a way that makes it easier for your end user to explore or understand what you have done.
  • Infographic: A collection of imagery, charts, and minimal text that gives an easy-to-understand overview of a topic or distills a theme.
  • Breaking things down into the following four categories will help you select the appropriate graphic type for your data.
    • Comparison
    • Composition
    • Distribution
    • Relationship
  • Before starting project it is good to step back and consider:
    • your message
    • your audience
    • your data (requirements + structure)
  • Font and colour convey personality, select appropriately and keep it simple.
  • Piktochart and Visme are online tools with a robust free tier.
  • Many visualization tools can be found linked from the data visualization subject guide.