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ArcGIS Online Exercise – Winnipeg School Divisions


0. Housekeeping:

Today we will be exploring the ArcGIS Online interface by:

  1. Finding data available data
  2. Integrating files
  3. Adjusting dataset parameters
  4. Discussing export options


1. Access your workspace:

  1. Navigate to UM’s ArcGIS Online Portal
  2. Log-in by entering your UM email and password.
  3. The Home page is your Landing Page.
    Agol landing

2. Explore AGOL Interface:

Numbers 1-3 illustrate the locations of the following elements:

  1. Account (includes link to training materials)
  2. Tools (all of the different ESRI Apps available to you)
  3. Options (pages for different purposes (your content, maps, etc.) agol landing

3. Explore Training options:

  1. Click on your username in the top right corner of the screen.
  2. Select the Training option half way down the list. training

  3. At the top of the page select the Catalog option, then the Course Catalog training
  4. Take a bit of time to browse through the training options available to you.
  5. Return to the UM AGOL Home page.

4. Explore available tools:

  1. Click on the waffle button that is to the left of your username in the top right of the screen to see the tools that are available.
  2. Today’s session will be focusing on ArcGIS Online (also linked in the top navigation of your Home page).
    agol tools

5. Explore AGOL Home options:

Numbers 1-2 illustrate the most useful navigation options of the Landing Page:

  1. Map (where to go to create a new map in AGOL)
  2. Content (where all of your data, objects and organizational content is stored) agol home


1. Access your Content workspace:

  1. Access the Content area by clicking on that option in the top navigation. agol home

2. Explore the Content Panel:

Numbers 1-4 illustrate the locations of the following elements:

  1. Personal content (includes all data and objects you have created)
  2. Filters (allows you to easily limit the things that show up in your content area)
  3. Create New (one of many ways to create/ add content to your workspace)
  4. Available content (items that have been shared to you through groups, University of Manitoba or ESRI’s Living Atlas.)
    agol home

3. View Organization data options:

  1. Click on My Organization in the blue Content navigation bar. This brings up data that has been shared at the Organizational level. Be aware, not all of it is available for reuse.
    agol home

  2. Search for Street Outline: City of Winnipeg. Click on the title to see more details about the file.
    agol home

  3. Now we can see a Description and the Terms of Use for the file, as well as options to explore the data further.
    agol home

  4. Return to your personal content page.

4.1 View Group data options:

  1. Click on My Groups in the blue Content navigation bar.
  2. This brings up items that have been shared at the Group level, I have shared one (1) map and two (2) feature layers with you.
  3. Click on the WinnipegSchoolDivision map that has been shared with you.
    agol home

  4. Click on the Open in Map Viewer option.
    agol home

  5. Your screen should now look something like:
    agol home

  6. Save your map by clicking the Save As option above the map and adding your initials to the end of the name. Your map is now saved to your personal content area.
    agol home

4.2 Add data that has been shared with you through a Group:

  1. Click on the Add data option above your map. Select the Search for layers option.
    agol home

  2. Ensure the My Groups option is selected from the dropdown
    agol home

  3. This brings up items that have been shared at the Group level, I have shared two feature layer with you.
  4. Click on the WinnipegSchools layer that has been shared with you.

agol home

  1. Add item to map using the plus sign in the bottom right corner of the item. Your map should now look something like:
    agol home

  2. Save your work.

5. Explore the workspace.

Numbers 1-4 illustrate the locations of the following elements:

  1. Tool options
  2. Actions (allows add new content to the map, change your base map, conduct simple analyses)
  3. Table of Contents (properties options for individual layers such as: attributes, symbology and pop-up configuration)
  4. Your map workspace
    agol home

Numbers 5-12 illustrate the purpose of the icons found in the Table of Contents:

  • 5 - Legend
  • 6 - Attribute table (information about each data point displayed as a table)
  • 7 - Symbology (change the appearance of feature)
  • 8 - Filter (show a subset of your data)
  • 9 - Perform analysis (analyze this specific layer)
  • 10 More options (zoom, transparency, pop-ups, labels…)
    agol home

Save your additions by clicking the Save option.

6. Configure a pop-up for clarity

Right now, our pop-up contains a lot of extra information that our audience may not be interested in:
agol home

  1. To edit, ensure the Content option is open in your Table of Contents and hover over the Schools layer to reveal the options.
  2. Select the three small dots on the right to open the properties, then the Configure Pop-up option,
    agol home

  3. Edit the title for the pop-up so that the label is Name: instead of the feature service name.
  4. Select the blue Configure Attributes text to select five (5) attributes you want to show up.
    agol home

  5. Click OK to save your changes, now your pop-up should now only display the school name and the 5 items you decided to display. In my case:
    agol home

Save your additions by clicking the Save option.

7. Change symbology styles to reveal an invisible pattern in the schools data

  1. Ensure you are in the Content area of your Table of Contents to change symbology. The third tile from the left (3 stacked shapes) is the option to change styles.
    agol home

  2. In the Styles dialogue that opens:
    • Attribute: Total
    • Drawing Style: Counts and Amounts (size or colour), then select Options.
      agol home
  3. In the Counts and Amounts dialogue that opens:
    1. Symbols: change the colour.
    2. Classify: No need to check off, we just want to see the data points relative to one another.
    3. Transparency: Adjust as you want.
      agol home
  4. Select OK and then Done. Don’t forget to save. Your workspace should look something like:
    agol home

  5. Try changing the symbology:
    • School division layer so it is less aggressive, can you figure out how to add labels?
    • Show a different attribute than population on the schools layer.

Congratulations! You made it through!

Questions? Concerns?

Data: Winnipeg School Divisions , Winnipeg Schools