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Workspace set-up & integrating datasets

0. Summary:

In this step we will be exploring the workshop content and making a plan for our story.
This includes:

  • Provided workshop data
  • Organizational data
  • Data attributes

1. Access your Content workspace:

  1. Navigate to UM’s ArcGIS Online Portal ( and ensure you are signed in.
  2. Access the Content area by clicking on that option in the top navigation.
    AGOL workspace

2. Explore the Content Panel:

Numbers 1-4 illustrate the locations of the following elements:

  1. Personal content (includes all data and objects you have created)
  2. Filters (allows you to easily limit the things that show up in your content area)
  3. Create New (one of many ways to create/ add content to your workspace)
  4. Available content (items that have been shared to you through groups, University of Manitoba or ESRI’s Living Atlas.)

    AGOL workspace

3. View Organization data options:

  1. Click on My Organization in the blue Content navigation bar.
  2. This brings up data that has been shared at the Organizational level. Be aware, not all of it is available for reuse.
    AGOL workspace

  3. Click on the title for Street Outline: City of Winnipeg to see more details about the file.
    AGOL workspace

  4. Now we can see a Description and the Terms of Use for the file, as well as options to explore the data further.
    AGOL workspace

  5. Return to your personal content page.

4. View Group data options:

  1. Click on My Groups in the blue Content navigation bar.
  2. This brings up items that have been shared at the Group level, I have shared four (4) maps and one feature layer with you.
  3. Click on the GenusMap_KPDemo map that has been shared with you.
    AGOL workspace

5. Open item using the ArcGIS Online Map Viewer:

  1. Select the Open in Map Viewer option on the right side of your screen.
    AGOL workspace

  2. Explore the AGOL interface.
    Numbers 1-4 illustrate the locations of the following elements:

    1. Print, Share and Save options
    2. Actions (allows add new content to the map, change your base map, conduct simple analyses)
    3. Table of Contents (properties options for individual layers such as : attributes, symbology and pop-up configuration)
    4. Your map workspace

    AGOL workspace

  3. Save a copy of the map to your personal content area by selecting the Save As option. Add your initials to the end of the filename.

AGOL workspace

6. Configure pop-up in your map for visual clarity.

Right now, our pop-up contains a lot of extra information that our audience may not be interested in:
AGOL workspace

  1. To edit, ensure the Content option is open in your Table of Contents and hover over the TreeInventory layer to reveal its options.
  2. Select the three small dots on the right to open the properties, then the Configure Pop-up option,
    AGOL workspace

  3. Edit the title for the pop-up so that the label is Common Name: instead of the feature service name.
  4. Select the blue Configure Attributes text to select which attributes you want to show up.
    AGOL workspace

  5. Click OK to save your changes, now your pop-up should look something like:
    AGOL workspace

7. Center/ zoom your map for reuse.

We will be reusing this map later in a StoryMap. How your map looks here is how it will look when it is reused so we want to center it/ set base maps accordingly.

  1. To center, ensure the Content option is open in your Table of Contents and hover over the TreeInventory layer to reveal its options.
  2. Select the three small dots on the right to open the properties, then the Zoom to option,
    AGOL workspace

  3. Your map should now look something like:
    AGOL workspace

  4. Save your edits.

  5. We will now move over to the Analysis section to make more maps.