From there to here:
Bringing data physicalization to library instruction.
So what are we doing today
'Weird sh*t in the corner' might not be the best way to frame your work.
Shoulds, Coulds and Woulds
Who is my audience at the University of Manitoba?
The Scheme
- Rethink my sessions and pilot physicalization with a data foundations session
- Do not incorporate software training
- Use materials I already have
New session:
- Hands-on samples
- Even plainer language
- Addition of data phyicalization concepts
- Hands-on is a craft instead of AGOL intro
The Future
- Research Leave
- Faculty requests
- Grant application
- Sustainibility
Is it right for you?
- Do you actually like making stuff?
- What's the culture at your institution?
- Do you have resources (time, money, space...)