Collaboration makes it happen:

GitHub Pages assessment project.

Meg Miller & Hafizat Sanni-Anibire
University of Manitoba Libraries


meg & hafizat pic


  1. Where did we start?
  2. Where are we now?
  3. Where are we going?

WAML 2020 Workshop: Teaching Workshops in a Virtual World Using GitHub Workflows

Evan Thornberry: University of British Columbia;
Phillip White: University of Colorado, Boulder

Does anyone find this resource useful

What did we do?

  • Web survey

  • N= 126: 18 responses;

  • Environment, Earth & Resources, Agriculture & Food Sciences, Arts, Education, Science, Social Work, Engineering, Health Sciences

What was I interested in?


Site structure

Site content

Notes from Hafizat:

  1. Collaboration with Centre for Teaching and Learning
  2. Subject expertise
  3. Supports

Pros and Cons

"useful and useable", "intuitive", "clear", "easy to follow"

"practice sessions", "longer workshops", "dated", "more colourful/ inviting"

I need data visualization inspiration all the time so this is a good resource to see how to present the different types of findings we have with genomics

It is impossible to learn everything the first time. I always have to go back and read them again. The[m] being available is critical for me.

chart of preferred learning styles
chart on self directed

I've discovered that I learn a lot better when I have the flexibility to go for walks or multitask with mindless work. I have more time for thinking and therefore for problem solving now that I have more flexibility with my schedule.

open tools selection


  • Communication
  • Multi-modal delivery
  • Using relatable data (subject)
  • Access to resources

What came up?




Where are we going? (1)

  1. Implement top 3 suggestions
  2. Share findings with WAML
  3. Write article summarizing study findings

Where are we going? (2)


  1. Part 2- Interviews or focus groups.
  2. Decide if this is part of my professional identity.

Meg and Hafizat's keys to success:

  1. There's nothing wrong with taking your time
  2. You are not an island
  3. Communication makes things happen

What questions do you have