ArcGIS Spatial Analytics:
Insights & Dashboards

Meg Miller - GIS & Data Visualization Librarian



  • Gain an overview of dashboards and popular visualization tools;

  • Explore ArcGIS interface;

  • Load and symbolize tabular data to an existing project.


  1. Define key terms;
  2. Evaluate visualization tools and their uses;
  3. Discuss main use cases for ArcGIS Insights vs. Dashboards;
  4. ArcGIS Dashboard Exercise:
    • Explore platform interface
    • Update simple dashboard of Winnipeg tree data

Key Terms:

  • Spatial Analytics: Statistical analysis of geographic data.

  • Dashboard: A graphical user interface providing easily digestible views of a particular process or objective.

Getting Started:

Data Visualization LibGuide

Don't forget about training resources!

Upcoming Fall/ Winter Sessions

(Wednesdays 12:00 to 13:00)

Which tool is right for my data?

Tabular Geospatial
Web Based: PowerBI, Tableau ESRI Insights or Dashboards
Desktop SPSS, SAS, PowerBI/ Tableau Desktop ESRI ArcGIS, QGIS, GRASS

Which tool is right for my data? (Pt. 2)

Insights Dashboards
Are you looking to conduct analyses? Yes, in depth! Yes, simple descriptive stats.
What is your study timeframe? What might happen in the future. Events happening now.
What sort of questions are you asking? ‘How’ & ‘Why’ ‘What’

Dashboard Considerations:

Message - be selective


Data - requirements and structure

Data Exploration with ESRI Operations Dashboard

Workshop content

